Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Unico Nutrition

On April 1st, 2016, I decided I was going to get back in shape.  I took the right approach and started slow and built up to harder and heavier workouts, and changed the way I eat and the portions I eat.  I also did a lot of research for the best protein powder to use.  I had been using Gold Standard When protein in the past, but I wasn't particularly sold on it.  I ended up finding this brand called Unico Nutrition, and their protein powder Apollo.  I read about the amazing taste of it, and how it's got three different types of proteins in it (short term, middle and long term) to help do the work of rebuilding muscle for longer each day.  I also started looking around on their website and found their pre-workout supplement, and decided to try that as well.

I'm definitely hooked on the pre-workout supplement they have, and it has pretty much replaced coffee in my diet.  I get up every morning at 5 am and drink it mixed with cold water before I do my workout.  I went to the gym without it a few days in a row, and I noticed that not only did I feel like quitting much quicker in my workout, but I was more tired when I got to work.  This stuff really does help keep you going with your workout, and keeps you going in your day.  Now, it doesn't keep me going ALL day (though I only do one or one and a half scoops, so maybe it would if I did two scoops), but it does get me through the whole morning.

The protein powder does taste really good, if you get the right flavor.  I've tried three of their flavors so far, the Chocolate Peanut Butter, the Cinnamon Roll and the new one that I believe is called Molten Chocolate Lava.  The only one I haven't liked was the Cinnamon Roll because it was almost too sweet.  I had trouble finishing that one, but the other two flavors have been REALLY good.  Is the protein working?  I don't really know how to tell that.  I mean, I don't think my muscle soreness lasts more than a day or so, so maybe it's helping there?  I'm still pretty new at all this, and don't know how to really measure it's performance based on my performance, but I haven't noticed anything bad coming of it.

The only thing with Unico, is that they are pretty expensive.  They're not the MOST expensive on the market, but they're up there.  But, from what I've read, that's because they have some of the best ingredients and formulas in their products.  I'm fine with spending more money on my health, and cutting back in other areas.

So, as long as you aren't on a super tight budget, I'd highly recommend both the pre-workout and the protein powder from Unico Nutrition.

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